small house plan in 3d with three bed rooms

Three-bedrooms are an ideal space for a couple with a maximum two children. It usually has three bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room at the minimum. Although the number of bedrooms is pretty the same, the house interior plan could be configured differently to suit your needs. The 3d 3 bedroom house plans could give the best visualization aid to new homeowner to structure your home in a way that brings the best zen and harmony to your living space

Using the photos aid below is highly recommended for someone who intends to build the house from scratch. Because you have all the liberty to design the plan to suit your needs. At time, these designer house plan in 3d also comes with dimensions which really helps in designing your own plan. While it is best for a newly built house, an existing house owner can still get inspiration from these house interior configuration. Without further ado, let's check these seven best 3d house plans with 3 bedrooms.

three bedroom house plan
A big living space of a three-bedroom house. It has one large dining room with two tables. There are also two small balconies to store living plants. This house also has two toilets and space for laundry
three bedroom floorplan with ensuite bathroom and a large balcony
this 3 bedroom house has an outdoor veranda for dining with a table for 8 people. Although it has a small living room, this house has three tiny bedrooms for a small family of 4 people.
small house plan in 3d with three bed rooms
This is an ideal house plan for newly wedded couples. It has one tiny bedroom of roughly 12 square meters which is suitable for short term guests or small children. This is not an ideal plan for a family with bigger children.
rectangular shape 3 bedroom house plan in 3d
Need some space to relax? Then design your house based on this interior configuration. There is one rocking chair to the left of this photo where you could take a break from the noisy children.


square shape three bedroom house plan in 3d two bedroom flat with large living room and open kitchen in 3d

Bonus 3d house plan with dimension

Below are two house plans with measurement, I hope you find the photos below useful for your next interior house plan design.

3 bedroom floorplan with dimension floor plan with measurement


With the advance of technology, designing your own house using the 3d technology has never been any easier. There are tons of model available online and this post is just one of the thousand 3 bedroom house plan out there. Well, I cannot really leave you without throwing another bonus two extra floor plans for you to enjoy!

contemporary rectangular shape house plan in 3d with master bedroom and two children rooms modern 3 bedroom flat in 3d floor plan

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